5 best tips to spot Tigers in the wild during jungle safari in India

Spotting the stunning tigers is undoubtedly one of the most preferred nature encounters. However, it’s pretty challenging to find these amazing cats in their jungle. Their hiding skills and solitary nature make them good at evading detection. However, do not worry! Here are some ways that may improve your chances of spotting a tiger in the wild.

Here are 5 best tips to spot Tigers in the wild during jungle safari in India


1. Choose the Right Season

It is important to keep in mind that different seasons provide different opportunities for wild animals to roam in the open. Since tigers typically emerge from their thick shelters in quest of water, sightings of them happen most frequently during the hot and dry season.

2. Listen to calls and sounds

Finding these magnificent animals is mostly dependent on the symphony of the forest. When a tiger is hunting, several animals make unique sounds. These include barking deer, different birds, langurs and sambar deer. Paying close attention to these noises may result in spotting a tiger.

3. Silence

Remaining silent is one of the most important things you can do when you enter a national park or reserve. A tiger’s most sensitive sense is hearing, which plays an important part in their hunting. Any sounds that do not appear natural to the tiger will keep it alert.

4. Track footprints

Footprints offer solid evidence of tiger presence. During safaris, keeping an eye out for pugmarks might offer crucial information about tiger movement. Guides and safari drivers use these footprints to estimate recent tiger activity.

5. Choosing national parks

Based on the latest Tiger Census statistics from the National Tiger Conservation Authority and Wildlife Institute of India, select a National Park with the largest population and number of tigers.