Next week, Maruti Suzuki is set to launch the CNG-powered Swift in the Indian market. Dealer sources told Autocar India that the price announcement might take place on September 12. The Swift CNG will be based on the latest-generation hatchback, which went on sale with a petrol engine in May of this year.
It is anticipated that Swift CNG will be available in multiple trim, however, it is unclear if Maruti will offer a CNG option for the top-spec models. The Swift CNG will be powered by the 1.2-litre, three-cylinder Z12E engine that debuted on the new-generation hatchback and it will be the first time this engine has been paired with CNG. More Maruti models with CNG power are in the works that will use the Z12E engine and its CNG-powered iterations.
Maruti aims to boost sales of CNG-powered vehicles in the nation with the Swift CNG. CNG models currently make up 34% of the company’s overall sales. Maruti’s CNG model sales have increased by 37% over the previous year.