3 Companies Championing Soil Health and Sustainability

Healthy soil is the foundation for plant life. It’s the very fabric that cradles their roots, fostering their growth, and is fundamental to our planet’s sustainability.

Over 95% of the world’s food production is soil-based, and soil degradation is an important concern. As more mouths need feeding, there’s an urgent call to treat our soil not just as the dirt beneath our feet but as the precious resource it is.


Companies across the globe are recognizing this imperative, today, we spotlight three leaders in the arena of soil health: ICL Group (NYSE: ICL), Bayer (NYSE: BAYRY), and Pepsico (NYSE: PEP).

ICL Group: Pioneering Sustainable Solutions for Soil

ICL Group has been a beacon of sustainability, ardently addressing agricultural challenges through innovative solutions. With an unwavering commitment to environmental protection, ICL utilizes cutting-edge technologies to champion the preservation of Earth’s invaluable resources. Recognized as a leading global fertilizer manufacturer, the company offers advanced solutions to boost crop yields while simultaneously safeguarding our environment.

Polysulphate® for example is an organic and naturally mined mineral comprising sulfur, potassium, magnesium, and calcium. As a solitary complex crystal, this mineral, sourced directly from the North Sea, is environmentally friendly, approved for organic agriculture, and boasts the smallest carbon footprint compared to standard fertilizers.

Another recent innovation is a first-of-its-kind controlled-release fertilizer with a biodegradable coating called Eqo.x that further demonstrates ICL’s commitment to sustainability.

Likewise, ICL’s controlled-release fertigation fertilizers, which are systematically distributed through micro-sprinkler or drip systems, offer precision, efficiency, and minimal disturbance to the soil. The company’s biostimulants further enhance soil vitality, amplifying nutrient absorption, resilience against stress, and overall productivity. ICL’s dedication extends beyond product creation, as their agronomists continuously teach, guide, and inspire the farming community on best practices, ensuring that the journey towards healthier soil is a collective effort.

Bayer: Advancing Agriculture Through Science and Innovation

Bayer has been synonymous with scientific excellence and innovation in the agricultural sphere. Rooted in their dedication to a hunger-free world, Bayer emphasizes sustainable agricultural practices that prioritize soil health. Their extensive research and development efforts have birthed solutions aimed at enhancing soil fertility, water retention, and disease resistance.

Furthermore, Bayer’s commitment to sustainability is evident in its range of bio-solutions, promoting the use of beneficial microbes to improve soil structure and nutrient availability. By continuously pushing the boundaries of science and technology, Bayer ensures that farmers can meet growing food demands without compromising the integrity of the soil.

Pepsico and its Positive Agriculture Program: Nurturing the Future of Farming

Pepsico, a name well known in the food and beverage sector, is taking strides to transform agricultural practices with its Positive Agriculture program. Recognizing the intimate relationship between soil health and the quality of produce, Pepsico is working to actualize farming methods that are environmentally sound, economically viable, and socially responsible.

Their program focuses on promoting regenerative farming practices that enhance biodiversity, reduce erosion, and restore the soil’s natural balance. By partnering with farmers and providing them with the tools, knowledge, and resources necessary for sustainable farming, Pepsico is ensuring that its supply chain not only meets the needs of today but also fosters a brighter, greener future.

Preserving the Soil that Sustains Us

Sustainability: With the UN forewarning the potential of soil depletion over the coming decades, and its potential economic reverberations, proactive measures are a must. Soil degradation threatens food production, ecosystem sustenance, and the very fabric of life.

Healthy soils, teeming with life, sustain our existence. They are vital for clean air and water, filter pollutants, cycle nutrients, and are the physical environment that cradles diverse life forms. What’s more, soil acts as carbon reservoirs, and depletion can unleash stored carbon, accentuating global warming. A myriad of factors determines the health of the soil. Factors like age, parent material, climate, and even topography play their part. The composition of minerals, organic matter, organisms, gases, and water ensures the vitality of the soil, with each component holding a unique significance.

The global health of soil is under threat. Activities like erosion, pollution, over-cultivation, overgrazing, and indiscriminate fertilizer use, are depleting its very essence. The aftereffects, such as loss of fertility, decreased yield, and environmental contamination, have a cascading impact on human health and survival.

Yet, soil health can be rejuvenated by adopting sustainable soil management strategies, like fostering living roots, enhancing biodiversity, minimizing soil disturbance, and judiciously using mineral fertilizers, which can turn the tide. Integrating organic sources, like compost and biofertilizers, ensures that a healthy soil legacy can endure for future generations.


In conclusion, the health of our soil directly mirrors the health of our world. Thanks to the endeavors of companies like ICL Group, Bayer, and Pepsico, the journey towards a sustainable agricultural landscape seems possible and promising.

Their innovative solutions and unwavering commitment, illuminate the path towards a sustainable future. Embracing and supporting such initiatives is our collective responsibility to ensure that the soil continues to nurture life, today and always. We owe it to our future generations to ensure that the bedrock of life remains fertile, vibrant, and teeming with potential.