4 things to keep in mind while planning your first solo trip

Solo travel is captivating because it offers freedom, self-discovery and an itinerary crafted entirely by you. However, taking the first step to go out on your own might be scary. Leaping into the unknown without the support of friends or family can cause a range of emotions, from excitement to fear. However, it’s just this combination of opportunity and uncertainty that makes travelling solo such a life-changing experience.

Here are 4 things to keep in mind while planning your first solo trip


1. Utilizes technology

Self-reliance is important while travelling alone, but it doesn’t mean you have to give up on using all of your resources. Never hesitate to use technology when needed. When you need it, there’s nothing wrong with taking out your phone.

2. Research and plan ahead

Do some research about your destination before going on your solo trip. Learn the language and culture of the place. Make an accurate goal, but allow time for flexibility and spontaneity.

3. Stay connected

Even though travelling alone gives you the freedom to explore the world at your own pace, it’s crucial to stay connected with loved ones and other travellers. Share your itinerary and contact information with people you trust back home and be sure to check in often to share updates on your location.

4. Set Intentions

To be honest, anything may happen on your first trip alone. Make the most of it by setting objectives or goals. Ask yourself what you hope to gain from this experience! What would you want to learn? Where do you wish to go? Who would you like to meet? When you set intentions, you choose the pace and direction of your journey. You’ll begin your journey with greater clarity and purpose.