Apart from global allies of the West NFT trading companies have now joined hands to help in sending aid or raising funds to send aid to Ukraine to combat the Russian military. NFT entity RAIRtech has stated that through its program “UkraineGlitch” it aims to raise $1.3 million to support Zelenskyy’s Ukraine with medical aid.
As per RAIRtech’s spokesperson, the proceeds from the UkraineGlitch will be divided between Ukrainian American Coordinating Council and the Web3 developer fund, helping Ukraine-based Web3 developers.
As per the project UkraineGlitch, the Ukrainian Flag will be shown pixellated in yellow and blue as a mark of Ukraine being in crisis. The 1991 NFT collection which will be for a limited period, showcases the year that the Ukrainians voted for a free Ukraine in the Ukrainian independence referendum. The entire collection is placed on the Ethereum Main Net with each block priced at 0.1991 ETH which amounts to US $600.
As per Masha Mitkov of RAIRtech, “Populating these limited-edition pieces was very cumbersome and I had severe headaches several times. What looked like images based on random lines and squares transformed into a powerfully positive image. The functionality of the algorithms transpired into a holistic symbolic image of distress and chaos.”
Masha further added, “I and my family moved to the US from Ukraine in the early 90s with the status of refugees. When the Crimea war took place in 2014, my father started a supply chain of medical supplies directly to the Ukrainian military. We lost our father in 2020, but with the Russo-Ukraine war, many people have been trying to gain access to these products. With the help of the Ukrainian American Coordinating Council and several others, I am able to live the dream that my father started. I felt I had a higher calling to help Ukrainians with the current trending technology.”
Interestingly the Ukrainian American Coordinating Council supplies medical aid, and high-tech blood-clotting gauze bandages, it supplies alongside hospitals and sends it directly to them. The Web3 developer funding gives out small portions of grants to Ukrainian developers to help them buy food and medical supplies, and also help them to relocate.