NieR: Automata sequel teased by series creator at London concert

NieR series director Yoko Taro potentially teased a sequel to NieR: Automata at a concert, with fans speculating “REP3NT” as its title.

Fans of the action role-playing game series NieR received a potential glimpse into the future during a recent concert in London. Series director Yoko Taro, known for his unconventional storytelling and penchant for surprises, made a surprise appearance at the NieR: Orchestra Concert, where he may have hinted at the development of a sequel to the critically acclaimed NieR: Automata.

NieR: Automata, released in 2017, garnered a dedicated fanbase with its unique blend of action gameplay, emotional narrative, and philosophical themes. While the years since have seen the release of mobile spin-offs and a remake of the original NieR game, fans have eagerly awaited a true follow-up to Automata’s story.


Taro’s appearance at the concert fueled speculation about a potential sequel. According to a concert attendee, Taro reportedly addressed the audience, encouraging them to express their desire for a sequel. This was done with the knowledge that the president of Square Enix, the series’ publisher, was also present. The audience reportedly responded enthusiastically, with loud applause and cheers.

Further intrigue was added when the word “REPENT” appeared repeatedly during the concert as part of the displayed dialogue. Notably, the final instance of the word was spelled “REP3NT,” leading some fans to speculate that it could be the title or subtitle of the potential new game. Similar hints were reported at other concerts on the tour, suggesting a possible official announcement from Square Enix in the near future.

While the evidence is suggestive, it is important to note that this information comes from audience reports and has not been officially confirmed by Square Enix or Yoko Taro. Additionally, the involvement of the original developer, PlatinumGames, is unlikely due to their recent public stance of only working on projects where they own the intellectual property.

While the involvement of the original developer, PlatinumGames, is unlikely due to their recent declaration of only working on projects where they own the intellectual property, anticipation remains high for the potential continuation of the captivating NieR universe.