Maharashtra to stay in lockdown until July 31

On Monday, June 29, Maharashtra Government extended the lockdown till July 31 as coronavirus peaks to 164,626 confirmed cases, 7,429 deaths and 70,622 active COVID-19 cases.

Maharashtra, Delhi, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, West Bengal, Madhya Pradesh, Haryana and Telangana have reported the maximum number of cases. An increase in the number of tests at a much faster pace is a key reason behind the quick rise in infections.


In Maharashtra, “Mission Begin Again”, the guidelines state movement for non-essential activities will be restricted within the neighbourhoods in the Mumbai Metropolitan Region. An order issued by Chief Secretary Ajoy Mehta said private offices can operate with up to 10 per cent strength or 10 people whichever is more. In containment zones, only essential activities will be allowed. No movement of people in and out of these zones will be allowed except for medical emergencies and maintaining the supply of essential goods.

The Mumbai Police on Sunday said it would seize all privately-owned vehicles that are found to have travelled beyond a 2-km radius from the houses of the owners for purposes other than going to the office or availing medical services during emergencies.

What is permitted in the State of Maharashtra:

  • All essential shops which are allowed to remain open before this order shall continue to do so.
  • All non-essential shops will be allowed to continue as per the guidelines issued on 31st May 2020 and 4th June 2020. All non-essential markets, market areas & shops except for malls and market complexes will remain open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Liquor shops will continue to operate if permitted, home delivery or otherwise.
  • E-commerce activity for essential as well as non-essential items & material.
  • All the industrial units which are presently open will continue to operate.
  • All construction sites (Public or Private) that are allowed to remain open and operational. All such pre-monsoon works (Public or Private) that are allowed.
  • Home delivery restaurants or Kitchen.
  • Online or distance learning and related activities.
  • All Government offices -excluding Emergency, health & Medical, treasuries, disaster management, police, NIC, food & Civil Supply, FCI. N.Y.K. Municipal Services- to function with strength or 15 persons.
  • All private offices can operate up to strength or 10 people. Self-employed people like plumbers, electricians, pest-control and technicians, garages to mend vehicles with prior appointment.
  • Marriage related gatherings on open spaces, lawns, non-Air conditioned halls follow the same regulations as mentioned in Order dated 23 June 2020.
  • Outdoor Physical Activities with restrictions
  • Printing and Distribution of newspapers (including home delivery)
  • The offices or staff of Educational institutions (Universities, Colleges or Schools) for non-teaching purposes including the development of e-content, evaluation of answer sheets and declaration of results
  • Barber shops, spas, salons, beauty parlours with conditions as permitted by State Government
  • All public and private transport will follow passenger management:
    i. Two Wheeler: I rider
    ii. Three Wheeler: I + 2
    iii. Four Wheeler: I + 2
  • Intradistrict bus service will be allowed with a maximum 50% capacity per bus with physical distancing and sanitation measures.
  • The inter-district movement will continue to be regulated.
  • All non-essential markets/shops will remain open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  • Marriage related gatherings on open spaces, lawns, on-Air-conditioned halls as mentioned in Order dated 23 June 2020.
  • Outdoor Physical Activities with restrictions Printing and Distribution of newspapers (including home delivery)
  • The offices/staff of Educational institutions (Universities/ Colleges/ Schools) for the purpose of non-teaching purposes including the development of e-content. evaluation of answer sheets and declaration of results
  • Barber Shops, Spas, Saloons, Beauty Parlors With conditions as permitted by State Government

Besides Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Nagaland, Meghalaya, Jharkhand, West Bengal, and Assam have reimposed lockdowns in some of their districts in order to contain the spread of COVID-19.