Prime Minister Narendra Modi holds a rally in the Gangarampur district of West Bengal on Saturday, April 17. PM Modi alleges Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee for abusing those people who live near river Ganga. He said, “Gangarampur has two holy names, that define our culture, in its own name only, but it seems Didi hates names of both Lord Rama and river Ganga. She abuses Indians in areas near river Ganga. She insults their beliefs, food, language, and clothes”.
PM Modi then adds, “Her hatred for the name of Rama has increased so much that she changes the name ‘Ramdhenu’ to ‘Rongdhenu’. As a result of her appeasement politics this large region including Dinajpur, lags behind in development,” as quoted by ANI.
Her hatred for the name of Lord Ram has increased so much that she changes the name 'Ramdhenu' to 'Rongdhenu'…As a result of her appeasement politics this large region, including Dinajpur, lags behind in development: PM Modi in Gangarampur, Dakshin Dinajpur #WestBengalPolls
— ANI (@ANI) April 17, 2021
Furthermore, PM Narendra Modi adds, “Mamata Banerjee’s day is not completed without abusing me. I am sure that every peasant family is geared up to take up the benefits of their rights after the 2nd May,” as quoted by news agency PTI.
Well, PM Modi is supposed to hold two rallies in Gangarampur and Asansol, West Bengal, on Saturday, April 17. While today, Bengal is going through the fifth phase of polling. Till 4:13 PM, Bengal recorded a total of 69.40% turn out.
The Bengal assembly election which is scheduled to be held between the 27th March and the 29th April, 2021 in eight phases, will complete its fifth phase on Saturday, April 17, 2021.
The fifth phase of the Bengal assembly is taking place in 45 constituencies of West Bengal in which 342 candidates are trying their fortune.