It’s easy to get excited about life events like vacations or nights out on the town. You’re switching up your routine and straying from the norm. But there’s significant time, money, and planning devoted to those fun activities, too.
If you’re aiming for something more low-key, this list can help. It’s full of options that are in your backyard — literally. Even though they’re nearby, rest assured they’re not boring. So, sit back, relax, and prepare to find excitement.
1. Enjoy the Great Outdoors
Staying close to home doesn’t mean you have to stay in your home. Getting outside and enjoying fresh air can be a game changer for infusing excitement into life. It’s just about finding the outdoor activities you most enjoy.
This will largely depend on how outdoorsy you are and what you need. If you have small kids, for example, a miles-long hike is probably not a good fit. Instead, opt for an afternoon at a local park that offers commercial playground equipment to entertain little ones for hours on end. If you’re active and outdoorsy, though, a run on a local trail may be the perfect option.
You don’t have to commit to going every day or even on a regular cadence. But being outside is a great way to refresh your mind, body, and spirit. Even better if you can get a bit of exercise and entertainment for pets and kids in the mix, too.
2. Rediscover Old Hobbies
Remember that time you got really into painting? And that other period of life when being a plant parent consumed your time? These hobbies didn’t just disappear from the face of the earth, even if they did for your daily life. Luckily, old hobbies can be brought back just as easily as they left.
Depending on the hobby, you may need to make sure you have supplies readily available. Do your best to track down your paint brushes and easel to make incorporating painting easy, for example. If you can’t find your supplies, decide if investing in new ones is worthwhile or if you’d rather try something else.
Then, devote time to your newly rediscovered hobby. Commit to your activity, no matter what it is, once a week or more. You’ll have a buzz of excitement from the joy of your hobby. Plus, you may even meet people who love it just as much as you do. Friends, fun, and a great pastime? Talk about a great situation.
3. Get Organizing
You may not think the junk drawer or cabinet of random items in your home is an opportunity for excitement. It may be intimidating or the last thing you want to spend your time tackling. But there are sometimes hidden gems buried in nooks and crannies you never touch, so don’t overlook the possibilities.
Everyone has misplaced something they love at one time or another. Your go-to top or that handy electronic tool seemingly vanished into thin air never to be seen again. If you take time to organize, though, you just may dig up some of your previously long-lost favorites.
Find one space you want to dig through and improve to start. It can be a 30-minute activity that’s done in the comfort of your home with your favorite beverage in tow. Go through everything in that space and get rid of the items you no longer need. When it’s no longer a no man’s land of mismatched belongings, you’ll be excited to put that space to use. And you just may have rediscovered something you forgot you owned in the first place.
4. Go Old School
Before phones and technology swept the youth, days were filled with creativity. Playing outside and creating games with rules you made up as you went was a typical activity. Being imaginative proved to be the most natural part of the childhood experience. Look no further than old-school pastimes if you hope to find excitement near home.
Think back to your favorite childhood activities. Then, make a list of what you want to do and work your way through it. Hoolahoop and play freeze tag with friends. Ride a bike and create an imaginary world while you do it. Better yet, build a fort in your living room using couch cushions, blankets, and pillows.
These aren’t meant to be activities that do anything other than entertain. They can highlight some of your best memories growing up and may become new ones you adore, too. The best part is that they’re relatively low stakes and low cost without sacrificing fun.
5. Be a Tourist
It’s easy to miss the magic of where you live. Between the hustle and bustle of daily life and the familiarity, it’s just home. But if you’re seeking excitement, don’t forget to look in your very own backyard.
Challenge yourself to be a tourist in your city or the closest big city nearby. Find the hottest restaurants and order their most popular dishes. Buy tickets to the coolest museums and spend a day immersed in their culture and history. Lean into everything cliché and touristy for the sake of fun.
In the worst case, you spend some time exploring your local area and can recommend places when people ask. In the best case, you find new favorite spots and feel that much more drawn to your current place of residence. Either way, you’re creating a jolt of excitement just by pushing outside of your norm. That alone is worth celebrating.
Excitement is Closer Than You Think
Of course, big life events and adventures away from home are exciting. They’re new experiences that create life-long memories you’ll talk about for ages. However, don’t overlook the excitement in your very own city. With some creativity, you can discover, or rediscover, how cool where you live is. And that will be an investment well worth your energy.