We all love Christmas, but do we really know why Christmas is like Christmas? As the pandemic continues, with many of us forced to adjust to a holiday that doesn’t go well, finding meaning to celebrate is even more important. Here are 15 facts that you did not know about Christmas:
1. Birth of Christmas:
Christmas is said to mark the birth of Jesus Christ on December 25. But there is no mention of December 25 in the Bible, and most historians believe he was born in the spring.
2. Why is Christmas celebrated on December 25?
December 25 was probably chosen because it coincided with the ancient pagan festival of Saturnalia, a celebration of the agricultural god Saturn with parties, games, and gifts.
3. Why do we give gifts?
The famous reason why we give gifts at Christmas is to symbolize the gifts the three wise men gave the Baby Jesus. But it may also stem from the Saturnalia tradition that required revelators to provide rituals to the gods.
4. Ban on Christmas:
Because of its origins in pagan festivals, Christmas was not immediately accepted by religion. In fact, from 1659 to 1681, it was illegal to celebrate Christmas in Boston anywhere. You were fined if you were caught partying.
5. The stockings originates from this story:
A poor man had three daughters who couldn’t afford a dowry to marry them. One night, Saint Nicholas dropped a bag of gold in a man’s fireplace for his eldest daughter to marry, and the bag fell into a warehouse that was being dried by the fire.
6. Blue or Red Santa Claus?
Although in the past, Santa Claus wore blue, white and green. His traditional red dress comes from a 1930s Coca Cola advertisement.

7. Jingle bell-Jingle bell:
The Jingle bell song is originally supposed to be a thanksgiving song.
8. “Jingle Bells” was the first song played in space:
The crew of NASA’s Gemini 6A spaceflight got in the Christmas spirit and made history by playing “Jingle Bells” on December 16, 1965, won the Guinness World Record. Record of being the first song played in space.
9. In Ukraine, spiders are a symbol of good luck for Christmas:
Families often add cobweb decorations to their trees as a nod to a beautiful seasonal tale about creatures that once used their silky rope to decorate a poor widow’s tree and her children.

10. Americans expect to spend about $850 on Christmas gifts:
In 2020, the average American consumer is expected to spend $805 on gifts this holiday season, according to a survey Gallup poll.
11. ‘Home Alone’ is the highest-grossing Christmas movie:
According to Forbes, Home Alone remains the highest-grossing Christmas film of all time in the United States, grossing $285.76 million at the domestic box office.

12. Eggnog dates back to the Middle Ages:
Eggnog is the signature drink of the festive season and has a history dating back to medieval times, and the drink is known as “Posset”. According to Healthline, monks in the 13th century used to make Eggnog from sweet and spicy yoghurt mixed with beer or wine and served hot.
13. The Statue of Liberty is the largest Christmas present ever:
Over 150 feet tall and weighing 225 tons, the Statue of Liberty is an awe-inspiring figure. And because it was considered a Christmas present when it was given to the United States by France in 1886, it is officially the largest Christmas present in the world.
14. Japanese eat KFC for Christmas:
In the US, families celebrating Christmas can enjoy turkey or ham for their holiday dinner. But in Japan, modern festivals often involve eating KFC at Christmas. According to the BBC, an estimated 3.6 million Japanese families enjoyed fast-food chicken on December 25.

15. The term ‘Xmas’ simply means Christmas:
The term ‘Xmas’ and its usage dates back to the 16th century. The ‘X’ in the word Xmas originates from the ancient Greek language. In Greek, Christ begins with the letter X. So, Xmas basically means Christmas.