United States of America has witnessed number of powerful presidents. Many of them already belonged to political background and were lawyers or advocates. But looking at the long list of U.S. president, one can find out some of the presidents who before coming to power used to do unusual and weird jobs.
Here’s a list of U.S. presidents with most unusual jobs before coming to power
Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States of America. Before coming to power he owned a bar. He set up a business in New Salem, Illinois in partnership with his old militia friend named William F. Berry. His partner and friend Berry’s excess alcoholism made them fall into dept which Lincoln wasn’t able to pay until he became a congressman.
Andrew Johnson
Andrew Johnson was the 17th President of U.S. and was vice president during the time of Lincoln’s assassination. As a teen, Andrew used to tailor for his mother, while growing up he went to South Carolina and Tennessee for tailoring works before he came to power in the States.
Grover Cleveland
Grover Cleveland is popularly known for serving the office for two non-consecutive terms i.e 22nd and 24th president terms of the U.S. Very few people known that before coming to power, Grover used to execute people. In New York’s Erie country, Grover used to serve as a sheriff, who then had personally hanged two criminals instead of delegating the gruesome task. However, Grover Cleveland has defended himself at various events but was called as “the hangman of buffalo” during 1884 presidential election.
Warren G. Harding
Warren G. Harding was the 29th president of the United States of America. But before taking over the responsibilities of the office he used to enjoy a sterling reputation as the editor of The Marion Star. At an age of 18, Harding bought the struggling paper. Even after coming into power, he tried to stay on as an associate editor of the The Morion Star.
Richard Nixon
Richard Nixon was the 37th President of the United States of America. Before coming to power and taking over all the responsibility of the States, Nixon worked as a chicken plucker and also used to run a game booth.
Ronald Reagan
Ronald Reagan was the 40th U.S. President. Before coming to power in the States, he used to worked at the circus as an laborer for $0.25 an hour. Later he worked as a lifeguard at Rock River outside of Dixon. Reagan has too enjoyed showbiz for his role “Gipper” from his one of the work “Knute Rockne, All-American”.
Bill Clinton
William Jefferson Clinton was the 42nd serving president of the United States of America. Clinton started to work at an early age of 13 in a grocery shop. Having a great idea of business from the very childhood, Clinton insisted his boss to let him sell some comic books in the grocery store to earn more profit. He was able to gain $100 for his tenacity.