Sumbul Touqeer Khan is seen in a video clip uploaded in unseen undekha section of Voot app, the digital sister concern of Colors Tv, discussing with the rapper contestant of Bigg Boss 16, MC Stan how she has never been in a fight in her whole life. This comes after MC Stan mocks her and asks her if she never wishes to go back home and have home-cooked food. To this, Sumbul, the Imlie lead actress of Star Plus says that she does miss home but she has never fought her whole life; she has never been in such an environment where she had to fight with anyone. She thinks this is the reason Sumbul has not been able to understand what’s happening in this house of Bigg Boss 16, because she does not know how to react.
Sumbul even goes on to express how she misses being on shoot, hearing lights, camera action. She expresses how she missed reading a script and acting on set. Then MC Stan helps her by saying “light, camera, action,” as a cue for Sumbul to act and relive her time from set. Sumbul then shares an anecdote from how her director would say rolling out of the blue and she and her co actors would get perplexed on what is happening because even the lights have not been set as of now.
So, Sumbul Touqeer Khan cannot fight and she misses being on set.