The trending show Oshi no Ko premiered on the 12th of April 2023, from its initial release the anime obtained tremendous love from fans all around the globe. Originally adapted from the manga series of the same name, this show is directed by Daisuke Hiramaki and brought into motion by Doga Kobo Studios.
The previous episode got released on the 24th of May and showcased a completely tragic series of events. We witnessed Aqua saving Akane’s life from a horrifying suicide attempt. And with the help of Love Now’s cast, Akane received some support and assurance for continuing to live. But, Aqua couldn’t hold back his outrage towards the show and recorded a video with the cast members along with Akane, to change the public opinion towards her. Although, Aqua’s efforts have gone in vain as the bullying didn’t stop but she did received moral support.
The episode 7th’s roller coaster adventure got the audience in a frenzy for the next episode. The 8th episode was going to premiere on the 31st of May initially, but now the release date has changed to the 7th of June. As of yet, no reason has been known for the delay in the episode. The upcoming episode will premiere on HIDIVE for fans Internationally.
In India, it will air at 7:30 pm, while in Japan it will broadcast at 11 pm. And similarly different time schedules for different countries as per their locations. Later on, the episode will also stream on Netflix.