Kareena Kapoor Khan and Abhishek Bachchan made their acting debut together with 2000 movie Refugee, which was directed by JP Dutta. The film was also the launching vehicle of Kareena and Abhishek. The movie turned out to be a hit movie in terms of box-office business. However, did you know that Kareena used to be rather reluctant to shoot the romantic scenes with the AB during those years?
In an old episode of the show of Simi Grewal, Kareena was shown a video message made by Abhishek in which he confessed his liking for her. He also jokingly critized her saying that he will never forgive Bebo for ruining one of his scenes. He recalled how Kareena had said this was their first romantic scene in a film and how she had loved him like a brother.
Well, Abhishek referred to the sequence which was shot at a Dargah in Refugee film. While, in the movie, Kareena was seen begging before the Abhishek to not leave her. Kareena informed director about her awkwardness about doing romantic scenes with him and asked the question how can she do such scenes as he resembles a brother to her.
Kareena and Abhishek came out superb and both of them looked very much in love throughout the movie. However, in real life, Kareena and Abhishek continued till Karisma Kapoor, Kareena’s sister and Abhishek’s former partner of several years, broke up. It’s pretty known knowledge that Kareena’s first shot was with Abhishek Bachchan and she made this revelation during an interview she had with VOGUE India with former journalist Rajeev Masand. She also uttered that Abhishek occupies a special position in her life and also shared few words about how proud she is of him. Although she agreed that if Abhishek is not willing to work on future projects it’s alright and she should heed his decision like anyone else should.