Recently, Khushi Kapoor made her Bollywood debut in Zoya Akhtar’s teen musical, The Archies. In the movie, which is an Indian adaptation of the well-known comics, Khushi played Betty Cooper. Janhvi Kapoor recently said that she was pleased with Khushi’s performance in the movie and that she told Khushi to be ready for hate but not to lose herself in the process.
When Aaj Tak questioned Janhvi Kapoor if she had watched The Archies and if she liked it, she answered, “Yes, I did. I think that she did such a wonderful job at being honest. When I was talking to her, I told her to be prepared for hate but not to forget herself in the process. I wish someone said this to me. I wish someone told me to try looking at the people that value you, like you because believing the bad is always easier.”
She spoke from personal experience when she said that it is much easier to believe someone who says negative things about you than it is to trust someone who says positive things about you. Jhanvi said, “It takes a lot of self-confidence to believe someone who says the right thing. Me and my sister, at times, question ourselves a lot. I told her ‘Don’t lose yourself, don’t be jaded because you’ve been very honest.”
Janhvi stated that Khushi was being “real” in front of the camera and that she was not attempting to flaunt anything. She also mentioned how sweet and innocent Khushi Kapoor’s performance was in the movie.
About The Archies: Starring Khushi as Betty, Agastya Nanda as Archie Andrews, Suhana Khan as Veronica Lodge, Yuvraj Menda, Dot, Vedang Raina, and Mihir Ahuja, The Archies is a coming-of-age musical that follows the lives of Archie, Betty, Veronica, Jughead, Reggie, Ethel, and Dilton as they explore friendship, freedom, love, heartbreak, and rebellion. Directed by Zoya Akhtar, the movie appeared on Netflix on December 7, 2023.