Ananya Panday is all set to return to the digital platform. After her blockbuster performance in Kho Gaye Hum Kahan, the actress is embarking on new endeavours. Based on the similar lines with her previous film, her upcoming project revolves around cybercrime. It is directed by Vikramaditya Motwane and is titled CTRL.
The actress will be sharing the screens with Mismatched fame Vihaan Samat. The film will be streaming on Netflix, from the 4th of October onwards. The movie revolves around an influencer couple, who are quite active on social media. They have made their life public and created content together.
Recently, a teaser was unveiled for the upcoming movie. It features pictures of the main lead. While the synopsis of the film read, “But what happens when they break up? In a world where data is power, how much sharing is too much? How much of your life are you willing to share, and do you slowly lose control in the process?”
It follows the story of Nella Awasthi and Joe Mascarenhas. These characters will be played by Ananya and Vihaan respectively. CTRL is a coming-of-age movie. It will make you contemplate your dependency on the internet and technology. And how everything that goes on the internet cannot always be appreciated.
CTRL is produced by Saffron and Andolan Films. The film has been viewed to act as a thought-provoking watch. It will engage audiences with the bitter-sweet reality of internet and how its misuse can be fatal.
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