Akzo Nobel India has officially begun commercial production of powder coating products at its new plant in Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh. The facility has an installed production capacity of 5,166 tons per year, with potential for expansion based on future demand.
The company stated via exchanges –
Pursuant to the captioned Regulations of the Listing Regulations, 2015, this is to inform that the Company has commenced the commercial production of the powder coating products from its plant at Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India (“Gwalior plant”) today (i.e. 5th September 2024) with an installed production capacity of 5166 T per annum (original installed production capacity) which can be expanded basis future demand.
The company has invested approximately ₹105 crores in this new production line, which has been funded through internal resources. This move is intended to meet the increasing demand for powder coatings, particularly in North and Eastern India.