UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson today expressed that it is rather obvious that Russia is planning an invasion of Ukraine. The troops are clustering on the Ukrainian border and “all sorts of other signs that show that there are serious preparations” going on, he said in his visit to Scotland.
There is no indication yet that Russia will de-escalate the crisis in Ukraine and there is a “grave possibility” that Moscow could intrude this week, Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s spokesman said on Monday.
“I think it is very important that we have a conversation. But what we can’t do is trade away the sovereign rights of the Ukrainian people to aspire to NATO membership… you can’t bargain that away – it is for the Ukrainian people,” Johnson said.
The Russia-Ukraine conflict has arrived at an unhinged point with European stability and the fate of East-West relations are in jeopardy. Russia has deployed over 100,000 troops near the Ukraine border. US President Joe Biden has already cautioned that the US and its allies would react decisively and impose swift and excruciating consequences if Russia invades Ukraine. The invasion could begin with an aerial bombing that would make departures difficult and imperil civilians, the White House said on Friday.
“The sovereign right of the Ukrainian people to join NATO cannot be traded away”, Boris Johnson said on Monday, adding he would be conversing with U.S. President Joe Biden “very soon” to assist the diplomatic process.
Meanwhile, Russia said it has settled to “optimise” its prudent staff numbers in Ukraine.
The official voiced that U.S. conversations with Russia were not yielding a lot but the discussion with President Vladimir Putin was still unobstructed through the leaders of Germany and France.