NYT Crossword: answers for Monday, August 26

The New York Times boasts an impressive array of word games today, including popular favorites like Wordle, Connections, Strands, and the Mini Crossword, ensuring there’s something for everyone. Despite this wide selection, the newspaper’s classic crossword puzzle still stands as the undisputed champion. This daily puzzle is packed with intriguing trivia, enhances mental agility, and, of course, earns you some well-deserved bragging rights if you can conquer it regularly.

However, tackling the NYT Crossword can sometimes feel like a daunting challenge. Remember, solving a crossword is a skill that improves with practice—so don’t be disheartened if you can’t fill in every square on your first try.

If today’s NYT Crossword has you stumped, we’re here to lend a hand. Below, you’ll find all the answers to today’s clues, helping you complete the puzzle and continue honing your skills.


Today’s NYT Crossword Answers:


  1. Square dance venue : BARN
  2. San ___, capital of Puerto Rico : JUAN
  3. The “I” of T.G.I.F. : ITS
  4. Spring ___ (encounter plumbing problems) : ALEAK
  5. Popular dance fitness program : ZUMBA
  6. Backwoods denial : NAW
  7. Abba hit of 1979 : GIMMEGIMMEGIMME
  8. Like some smartphone purchases : INAPP
  9. What a three-way intersection can form : TSHAPE
  10. ‘N Sync hit of 2000 : BYEBYEBYE
  11. Situated on : ATOP
  12. Adore, informally : LUV
  13. Olympic gold medalist Raisman : ALY
  14. Things stuck on snowman “arms” : MITTENS
  15. Rocks that may contain precious metals : ORES
  16. Arouse, as interest : PIQUE
  17. Mötley Crüe hit of 1987 : GIRLSGIRLSGIRLS
  18. Start of Caesar’s boast : ICAME
  19. Loudly praise : TOUT
  20. Pennsylvania governor Josh : SHAPIRO
  21. Opposite of NNE : SSW
  22. Lisbon greeting : OLA
  23. Boat propellers : OARS
  24. Beach Boys hit of 1964 : FUNFUNFUN
  25. Religious ceremony : RITUAL
  26. Italy’s Isle of ___ : CAPRI
  27. Coveted Scrabble space … or the sheet music for 16-, 21-, 34- or 51-Across? : TRIPLEWORDSCORE
  28. Beethoven’s “___ to Joy” : ODE
  29. State that’s home to one end of the Appalachian Trail : MAINE
  30. Where “all my ex’s live,” in song : TEXAS
  31. In favor of : FOR
  32. Present in a favorable light : SPIN
  33. City surrounding Vatican City : ROME


  1. Something checked at an airport counter : BAG
  2. Oscar winner Mahershala : ALI
  3. Sleep stage, for short : REM
  4. Coastal African desert : NAMIB
  5. Skittish : JUMPY
  6. “Errr … I mean …” : UMM
  7. Assist with a crime : ABET
  8. Pesters : NAGS
  9. Jail cell occupant : INMATE
  10. Maxi pad alternative : TAMPON
  11. Uses a broom : SWEEPS
  12. Its capital is Nairobi : KENYA
  13. Quickly fly past : ZIPBY
  14. Scottish Highlander : GAEL
  15. “Zero stars from me!” : IHATEIT
  16. Outlet for an internet commentator : BLOG
  17. ___ Gagarin, first man in space : YURI
  18. At any point : EVER
  19. Man’s name that’s a fruit spelled backward : EMIL
  20. Brainpower measures, for short : IQS
  21. Pull : TUG
  22. Makes a mistake : SLIPSUP
  23. Lead-in to law or launch : PRE
  24. Bio. or chem. : SCI
  25. Needlefish : GAR
  26. “___ two minds on this …” : IMOF
  27. Spot for a satellite dish : ROOF
  28. Athleisure lead-in to “lemon” : LULU
  29. Lee of Marvel Comics : STAN
  30. In a sense : SORTOF
  31. Beehive or bob : HAIRDO
  32. More hipsterish : ARTIER
  33. Entrap : SNARE
  34. Bay Area enforcement org. : SFPD
  35. German sausage : WURST
  36. The Huskies of the N.C.A.A. : UCONN
  37. Not as mean : NICER
  38. Some church donations : ALMS
  39. Spring : LEAP
  40. Motion-sensing Nintendo console : WII
  41. Kitchen brand with a palindromic name : OXO
  42. Head-butt : RAM
  43. Suffix with Sudan or Japan : ESE