White House in a hurry to release USA’s COVID-19 Vaccine blocking FDA guidelines in the Election Month when President Trump tests positive

The White House is trying to release the COVID-19 vaccine before the elections, while the strict guidelines proposed by the FDA will cause a delay in the release of the vaccine.

USA: The New York Times reported that the White House is trying to avoid or block the guidelines for the release of a COVID-19 vaccine. Food and Drug Administration of the USA has proposed new federal guidelines for the emergency release of a Coronavirus vaccine, which seems to be more strict. The USA is the worst affected country in the world. Coronavirus will play a major role in the Presidential Elections, which are going to be held on, 3rd November. It can be possible that the White House is trying to release the COVID-19 vaccine before the elections, while the strict guidelines proposed by the FDA will cause a delay in the release of the vaccine.

The FDA’s planned requirement that participants in the ongoing mass clinical trials for nearly a half-dozen vaccine candidates be followed for two months to ensure there are no side effects and that the vaccines provide lasting protection from the virus to receive emergency approval.

A senior administration confirmed the move Monday evening, saying the White House believed there was no clinical or medical reason to add additional screening protocols. “The main sticking point has been the recommendation that volunteers who have participated in vaccine clinical trials be followed for about two months after the final dose before any authorization is granted,” a senior administration official and others familiar with the situation.

FDA Commissioner Stephan Hahn has pledged that career scientists, not politicians, will decide whether any Coronavirus vaccine meets clearly stated standards that it works and is safe. Vaccine development usually takes years, but scientists have been racing to shorten that time. Science will guide our decisions. FDA will not permit any pressure from anyone to change that, Hahn said recently. I will put the interest of the American people above anything else.

An administration official told Reuters that the approval process was still pending and denied any Election Day connection. The FDA is seeking other avenues to ensure that vaccines meet the guidelines.