Suzuki announces technology strategy for 10 years ahead

Suzuki Motor Corporation recently announced its technological strategy for the next decade. According to a company statement, the Japanese carmaker would develop “technology that minimizes energy consumption” from manufacture to recycling, with the goal of achieving a carbon-neutral world while providing people all over the world with the joy of transportation.

Suzuki has a long history of creating environmentally friendly vehicles and the company’s objective is to reduce weight and they have taken on this challenge.


Suzuki will develop electric vehicles that reduce energy consumption by combining components that embody “Sho-Sho-KeiTan-Bi” such as a small and efficient electric unit and a small and light battery, with the goal of providing the customers with the most energy-efficient electric vehicles based on the renewal energy ratio and usage conditions in each country and region.

In 2023, the company developed a high-efficiency engine (the Z12E Engine) that focuses on better combustion, which is at the core of internal combustion engines and obtained a maximum thermal efficiency of 40%. The company plan to introduce this highly efficient engine worldwide in the future and reduce energy consumption by carbon-neutral fuel and next-generation hybrids.