What is Kybella and what does it do?

Deoxycholic acid, which your body naturally makes in your digestive tract, is known commercially as Kybella.

Kybella, an FDA-approved injectable treatment for submental fat, destroys the membranes surrounding fat cells, allowing them to release their contents, which are then eliminated over a period of weeks by the body’s own immune cells. Read this page if you want to learn more about Kybella.

What is Kybella?


Deoxycholic acid, which your body naturally makes in your digestive tract, is known commercially as Kybella. It serves as an emulsifier in foods and aids in the breakdown of fats to make them easier to digest. Deoxycholic acid injections are used repeatedly to target the fat cells in this region. It is also a non-surgical alternative for lipomas, non-cancerous tumours formed from fat cells. The optimum candidate is an adult (18 years or older) with moderate to severe fat beneath the chin. No incisions are needed, and there is typically little recovery time. If you’ve had facial surgery in the past or are considering it, you might not be a good candidate.

What does Kybella do?

You can get up to six Kybella injections, spaced at least a month apart, for the best results. When a practitioner injects Kybella into your chin, it kills fat cells, lessening the appearance of a double chin. However, the majority of patients receive two treatments spaced around 4 to 6 weeks apart, and Kybella is frequently chosen since it offers a non-surgical solution for removing extra chin fat. Compared to surgical procedures, it requires less time to recover. Additionally, this kind of surgery is referred to as injectable lipolysis. It is a treatment that uses an injection to break down fat and carries fewer hazards.
In addition to receiving injections at various cosmetic surgery offices, practitioners can administer Kybella injections in a variety of places.