Find out about the 7 Chakras of the human body & the crystals to awaken them

The human body has 7 chakras which are known to be the main energy points. Here’s how you can awaken them!

The human body has 7 chakras which are known to be the main energy points. Having these chakras in a balanced state leads one to live a good, balanced life. The chakras are located in our aura with our spine being its starting point till our head, which is its end point.

These chakras are believed to be important for us leading a balanced, beneficial life. But, in order to have such a life, we will have to activate the chakras first. Blockage of any of these chakras are believed to cause problems in our day to day life including our physical, emotional and mental aspects.


But there are many ways by which you can activate these chakras. One of the mostly used ways is using crystals to activate them. Using them while listening to guided meditation can help activate your 7 chakras.

There are different crystals associated with different chakras of our body, working with which can activate the specific chakra. So let’s get into the details of the crystals to use to awaken your 7 chakras.

Starting with the first chakra i.e the Root Chakra, blockage of this chakra might cause one feeling insecure, anxious or scared. Also, blockage of this will lead to one not feeling grounded. So the best crystals to activate the root chakra are garnet, black tourmaline, smokey quartz and also obsidian.

The second chakra is the sacral chakra, blockage of which will stop the creativity flow, will make one have emotional outbursts, lack energy etc. For activating the sacral chakra, the best crystals are carnelian, tiger eye, citrine and moonstone.

The third chakra i.e the solar plexus chakra, the blockage of which will reduce one’s confidence as well as self esteem. Physically, it might also manifest itself in the form of eating disorders. For activating the solar plexus chakra, the best crystals are pyrite, jasper, sunstone, amber etc.

The fourth chakra is the heart chakra, blockage of which will lead one to attract unhealthy relationships, face issues like not being able to open up to people and deal with health issues like heart disease, issues with weight etc.

The fifth chakra is the throat chakra. Blockage of throat chakra restricts one from speaking its truth. It can also lead to problems with communication. The crystals to awaken the throat chakra are blue lace agate, amazonite, soladite etc.

The sixth chakra is the third eye chakra. The third eye chakra is related to our intuition, imagination and wisdom. Blockage of this chakra leads one to getting disconnected from their intuition, having problems to focus, sleep etc. The best crystals to activate this chakra are amethyst, fluorite, labradorite etc.

The seventh and the last chakra is the crown chakra. Blockage of the crown chakra leads to one not willing to accept other people’s perspectives,their ideas. One might also feel dissociated and disconnected from the spiritual area of their life. To activate this chakra, the best crystals are selenite, clear quartz, howlite etc.