In accordance with its international counterparts, the domestic market opened Thursday’s session with gains of over 500 points for the Sensex and a start of the Nifty50 over the 17700-level. Sectors like IT, Realty, Banking, and Financials contributed most to the market’s opening-day increase.
The BSE Sensex increased by 503.16 points or 0.86 percent to 59320.4 at the start of trading, while the Nifty50 increased by 176.9 points or 1.01 percent to 17711.7. The broader markets increased as well after the benchmarks suite, with the Nifty mid cap up by 0.82 percent and the Nifty small cap up by 0.7 at the opening.
Minutes after the market opened, as many as 45 equities climbed while only 5 stocks fell. Coal India and Eicher Motors both increased by roughly 3%, and these industry heavyweights jumped as a result of the impressive July-end quarter results announced on Wednesday.
While other titans like Bajaj Finserv, Wipro, and Infosys, each up between 1.5 and 2% at the market open, were also among the top gainers on Nifty today.
Tata Consumer, a firm in the Tata Group, exhibits weakness despite solid earnings, falling around 1% in early morning trading. Hindalco and SBI Life also experienced slight declines.
Today, every sector opened in the black. In the early morning trade on Thursday, Nifty IT increased by over 2%, followed by Nifty Bank and Financial Services, which both increased by over 1%. The Realty index also increased by over 1%.