In the most controversial show lock upp, the time came up in the recent episode when the contestants need to reveal their secrets in order to stay in jail. The rule of secret revealing is, that the one who presses the buzzer first gets the chance to reveal their secret in front of everyone. In the recent episode the selected contestants who were given the opportunity to reveal their secrets were. Munawar Faruqui, Ali Merchant, Payal Rohatgi, Anjali Arora.
The moment host Kangana gave the opportunity to press the buzzer Munawar was the one who presses it first, and was told to share his secret. Munawar reveals that back in 2007, January he was waked up by his grandmother at 7 am. Munawar was told by his grandmother that his mother’s condition is not alright and she had to be admitted to hospital. When he reached the hospital his mother was taken out from the emergency ward, where he saw his mother screaming. On hearing this everyone had tears in their eyes. Munawar tells that, he was holding his mother’s hand tightly during that time. Even a time came for Munawar when the doctors told him that he should leave his mother’s hand. Munawar’s eyes get filled with tears when he tells the story. Munawar says, “ajj bhi who cheez mujhe chodh naahi paa rahi hai.”