Everything is now available on streaming platforms and over-the-top (OTT) platforms, so people no longer need to travel to movie theatres to enjoy themselves. Around the world, OTT platforms are gradually taking over the movie business, and miniseries are a fantastic new addition to this.
The best stories are condensed into a few episodes that are then turned into a miniseries for the audience to watch all at once. These stories should have energetic narratives, well-suited characters, and the best screenwriting.
Here are 3 best mini TV series of all time
1. Wanda Vision (2021)
For a long time, Marvel produced miniseries, but none of them had the same impact on the fans as Wanda Vision. Fans eagerly anticipated the characters’ return after the Marvel Avengers film series. Along with the tense chemistry between Wanda and Vision, Wanda Vision is full of references to vintage great sitcoms, which is an amazing touch. Wanda Maximoff is portrayed on-screen by Elizabeth Oslen, and Vision is portrayed on-screen by Paul Bettany.
The television show illustrates the power Wanda Maximoff possesses but is unaware of. She hasn’t experienced love since she was a young child, and the loss of her twin brother in Avengers: Age of Ultron only added to her suffering. Wanda lost Vision after the end of Avengers: Infinity War, which enraged her. In order to start a family with Vision, her brother, her two children, and the entire town as hostages, she used her powers.
2. Mare of Easttown (2021)
Being true to herself, Kate Winslet excelled in the part of Mare Sheehan in this original HBO production. Four of the 16 Emmy awards given to this miniseries have gone to Kate Winslet for Outstanding Lead Actress. In the novel, a single mother and grandmother go through a lot of hardships in both their personal and professional lives. But she moved on with her life since she was committed to herself and her job.
3. Watchmen (2019)