Producer Karan Johar announced the film Brahmastra via Twitter in 2017 revealing that it would be made into a film trilogy. The preparation for the film started in January 2018. The title logo of the film was revealed in March 2019. In the evening of the same day logo of the film Brahmāstra was launched on Maha Shivratri at Kumbh Mela.
It has sought attention but it has been held up for more than three years now due to production and post-production delays, with coronavirus restrictions also playing spoil sport.
Well, apparently, Ayan Mukerji and producer Karan Johar finally feel that their baby is now reaching its conclusion and are also contemplating what they feel is a conceivable release date.
However, when it comes to Brahmastra, nothing has been cut-and-dried from the onset, and true to form, there are obstacles that may put paid to their plans.
Well it feels the wait is over for the first installment of Brahmastra, “Director Ayan Mukerji’s ambitious fantasy trilogy, starring Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt, Amitabh Bachchan, Mouni Roy, Nagarjuna and above all, Shah Rukh Khan in an extended cameo is eyeing a release window between November and December this year for Brahmastra, and are eager to make an announcement soon.”
However, the source adds that they are still in two minds because of the multiple big releases lined up in precisely those two months, and the fact those movies have already got to build buzz, lock their dates and probably would even begin their promotions prior to that of Brahmastra.