Russian actor Evgeny Shishov, known for his roles in popular NTV series, died in August during battles with Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Kursk region. Born on February 28, 1982, in Vyborg, Leningrad Region, Shishov gained recognition for his portrayal of strong, courageous characters in shows such as “Sea Devils,” “Die Hard,” “The Magnificent Five,” and “While the Clock is Running.”
Shishov’s death was confirmed by his colleagues through the Russian media portal According to another Russian media portal URA.RU, Shishov, who used the call sign “STALKER,” had paused his acting career in February 2024 to volunteer in the conflict, seeking to serve his country as a defender. His last social media post, dated July 31, conveyed a message of goodwill to his followers.
Reports indicate that Shishov lost communication with friends on August 2, shortly after the Ukrainian Armed Forces began their incursion into the Kursk region. His friend, Alexey Shashin, shared that Shishov had always been a supportive and dependable comrade, ready to assist those in need. During the initial weeks of intense fighting, Shishov reportedly played a significant role in resisting the Ukrainian advance.
On the battlefield, Shishov sustained shrapnel injuries while attempting to hold back enemy forces. Despite efforts to transport him to the hospital, he succumbed to his wounds. Shishov leaves behind his wife and a 15-year-old daughter. His body is currently in Belgorod, where his comrades remember him as a true patriot of his homeland.