Mumbai based AMFI came up with a press release on Jan 10, 2022, today which revealed about Mutual Fund SIP Monthly Contribution for December 2021.
Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) saw a surge in numbers each month in the past year of 2021. The monthly SIP contribution stands at ₹ 11,305.34 crores in December 2021 which was higher than that of the November 2021 monthly SIP grant at ₹ 11,004.94 crores.
The number of SIP accounts for Dec 2021 was up to 4,90,78,547, in comparison to that of November 2021 in which the number of SIP accounts was 4,78,24,469 which depicted a month on month difference of 12,54,078. SIP assets under management (AUM) worth Rs 5,65,420.04 at the end of the December 2021 month glimpsing a ripple of Rs 5,46,683.12 from November 2021.
Furthermore, Net Asset Under Management as of December 31st 2021 was Rs 37,72,696.31 crores, the Average Asset Under Management AAUM was Rs 37,91,810.92 crores. Multicap Fund has detected a shift in Rs 10,516.32 crores. The Income /Debt oriented undertakings have seen an outpour of ₹ -49,154.10 crores.
Consistent with the closed-ended classification, for the first time this fiscal, the Income/Debt Oriented Schemes ushered by Fixed-Term Plans, directed favourable gushes of ₹ 180.37 crores corresponding to ₹ 6.97 crores in November 2021.
“The Year 2021 has been a momentous year, with Mutual Funds emerging as the preferred investment destination with continued record equity flows through NFOs and ongoing investment into existing schemes. The year has seen remarkable growth in mutual funds with a hike in inflows across all categories of funds. From an Average AUM of ₹ 30,96,274 crores in Dec 2020 to ₹ 37,72,696.31 crores in Dec 2021, year on year growth of 26% has set the ball rolling for Mutual Fund Industry in 2022”, Speaking on the occasion, Mr N S Venkatesh, Chief Executive, AMFI said in the press release.
A Systematic Investment Plan (SIP), more popularly known as SIP, is a facility proffered by mutual funds to the investors to invest in a disciplined manner. SIP facility authorises an investor to invest a specified amount of capital at pre-defined intervals in the chosen mutual fund scheme.