Who is the Tallest man in the World?

We will present to you some amazing facts about the tallest man in the world and who is the tallest man in the world.

Robert Wadlow holds the record for the Tallest men (ever) and has been featured in almost every edition of the Guinness World Records Book since its inauguration in 1955. Robert’s height was last measured on 27 June 1940, the middle-mannered American stretched a height of 2.72 m which is eight feet 11.1 inches tall. He was born on 22 February 1918 to two regular-sized parents. He reached the height of 1.63 m which is five feet four inches tall by the age of five. Now we will share with you some facts about his childhood, celebrity career, his medical cause, and his death.

Robert in teenager’s clothing in childhood


At the age of eight, Robert overtook his five feet, 11-inch tall father. At this age, when most children were still being carried by their parents, in Robert’s case it was the opposite, he was able to lift his father the stairs of their family home. As a young boy, he tried his best to get involved in the same activities his peers were doing. He crossed the 2.45m which is eight feet 0.5-inch tall mark by the age of 17, making him the tallest teenager ever. In 1936, he graduated from high school and enrolled in college intending to study law.

His celebrity career

He would embark on a tour with the hugely popular Ringling Brother Circus, which saw Robert earn worldwide fame. He was asked in a radio interview if he was annoyed when people stared at him, in which he replied, “No, I just overlook them.” He later unassuming took his newfound celebrity status in his stride and used it to earn money from public appearances. He also did the promotional tour with the International Show company which is now known as INTERCO, who agreed to make his shoes for free. Robert had a whopping 47cm long feet – the equivalent of a U.S size 37AA (UK size 36) – the largest feet ever. His shoes could cost as much as $100, equal to $1,500 in today’s currency. He also had the largest hands ever, measuring 32.3cm from wrist to the tip of his middle finger.

What medical cause he had?

Robert had pituitary gigantism. The doctors examined Robert and realised that his exceptional size was caused by hyperplasia of his pituitary gland. This condition causes an abnormally high level of the human growth hormone and he was never given any treatment to stop it. As per Dr Donald Rau, Medical Consultant Guinness World Records, “Robert Waldow escaped the attention of surgeons, as they were not confident enough to operate on him. Therefore he might remain the tallest man for a very long time.” His condition caused him to have difficulty around – he had leg braces and a walking stick, but he never used a wheelchair.

Robert’s Death

Unfortunately, Robert’s legs caused his premature death, aged just 22 years old. He passed away at 1.30 am on 15 July 1940 in a hotel in Manistee. His last words were “The doctor says I won’t get home for the celebrations”, which simplifies his parental grandparents’ golden wedding. He was buried in Oakwood Cemetery, Alton. The coffin measuring 3.28m which is 10 feet nine inches long and 81 cm wide and 76cm deep.