As Kremlin troops reach within 30km of Ukraine’s capital Kyiv’s town’s centre, Ukraine has told that it’s ready to discuss with Vladimir Putin-led Russia but without any “ultimatums and conditions”. The battle on road, meanwhile, is on. While Kremlin claims they are progressing towards the capital, while accepting control of all tactical locations, Ukraine is not prepared to bow down.
Поширюйте це та інші відео, аби якомога більше росіян розуміло, що їх чекає на нашій землі.
Захистимо Україну разом! 🇺🇦#ЗупинимоОкупантів pic.twitter.com/y85uQS4lwL— Defense of Ukraine (@DefenceU) February 26, 2022
In the latest video dropped by the Defence Ministry of Ukraine, a Russian war tank can be glimpsed blowing up in fume on the side of a road. “Distribute this and other clips so that as many Russians as probable understand what awaits them on our land. Let’s protect Ukraine together!” read the English translation of the tweet by the Ukrainian army.
Україна не відмовляється від перемовин з Російською Федерацією, але готова лише до повноцінного переговорного процесу без неприйнятних умов та ультиматумів, зазначає радник керівника Офісу Президента Михайло Подоляк.
Подробиці: https://t.co/aYvTt14CKd pic.twitter.com/x7vctVhnzb
— Офіс Президента (@APUkraine) February 26, 2022
Amid Russia’s warning that the window for conversation with Ukraine was still available, the head of the President’s Office Mykhailo Podoliak announced that Ukraine does not “refuse to negotiate with the Russian Federation”, but it should only be a full-fledged negotiation procedure, without undesirable conditions and ultimatums.
However, before this Podoliak had junked Kremlin’s troops’ states that they had the active and tactical goal in Ukraine over the past 24 hours. He announced that this implies that “Ukraine is winning.”