Sexually explicit content to be banned on OnlyFans. A platform where viewers pay the creators for the content they provide.
This decision is taken under consideration after numerous requests from the banking patterns and organisations managing their Finacial variants. On October 1 the ban is set to be initialised.
It is a social media platform where celebrities communicated with people on a more direct level. It also offers a place for sex workers to post content and earn money more securely.
The sources state that according to the insights the company grounds with nudity if it qualifies companies policy. Though specifications on the policy are not given out soon the company will take action on it.
This institution is not available as an app in the apple or google stores. It’s trying to distinguish itself from pornography by soon launching OFTV streaming app which will be perceived at all the tech sources and installing content around fitness, cooking, comedy, and music.
According to the reports, creators earn 2 million with 130 million users using this system leading up to a total earning of $5 billion.