When setting up an online casino for the first time, licensing is everything. With a valid gaming licence, you can ensure that players know that your games are fair, that your practices are above board, and that you genuinely care about promoting gambling behaviour that’s healthy and reasonable.
However, you may find that there are plenty of different countries offering online gaming licences. “Official licence providers offer the same assurance – that you’ll always get a strict set of rules and fairness regulations, which in turn helps to keep your players safe,” says Ben Boland from NewCasinos.com. “Ultimately, if you fail to secure an official regulatory gaming or casino licence before you start trading, you are breaking a variety of international laws.”
Below, we’ll take you through some of the strongest licence providers across the globe.
Why is obtaining a gaming licence so important?
Firstly, by obtaining a licence, you’re likely keeping within the law, wherever you choose to host your games and wherever you seek players from. It’s no secret that casino games offer incredible economic benefits to territories worldwide – but there will always be rules to abide by!
However, do also remember that licensed casinos tend to face fewer fees, or lower rates, than those without any kind of regulation in place. A licence is also going to ensure that you see more players head through your virtual doors, as long as you play by the book.
Also, keep in mind that all licences are different. The licence you obtain for a casino from Malta may well differ from a licence based in Gibraltar. It’s wise to check out the small print in full before you go ahead and pay for your first licence!
Where should you get a casino licence from though? Before you go ahead and compare casino licences online, here’s our pick of the strongest and most reliable licence providers operating globally today.
If you browse various casinos operating across the web, you’ll probably find that Malta is a popular licensing choice. This is mainly due to the fact that the Malta Gaming Authority (MGA) provides a steadfast yet reasonable set of rules with casino operators and players in mind.
Malta really led the way within the EU to set clear, thoroughly tested guidelines for gambling businesses across the EU membership. A Malta gaming licence is considered one of the safest, and one of the highest-regarded, among players. Therefore, a Maltese licence is always likely to appeal to seasoned players visiting your casino for the first time.
What’s more, a Maltese gaming licence will enable you to reach customers across both Europe and the world, as the MGA continues to improve and expand its services and jurisdiction. The MGA caters to offshore casinos, online gaming sites and physical gaming centres alike.
Isle of Man
The Isle of Man has been a keen casino gaming legislator for over 20 years and is a desirable choice for many casino operators thanks to its competitive tax rate. It has been iGaming-friendly since 2001, with its initial legislation recommendations being among the first in the world to protect both players and casinos.
Isle of Man gaming licences demand impeccable standards from casino operators. This is no bad thing! In fact, much like Maltese licence holders, those holding an Isle of Man licence can expect greater confidence from their customers.
The territory is whitelisted and, while some operators may find it difficult to set up physical locations here, this online casino licensing system is among the most trusted, and therefore the most popular.
Curaçao is another territory that you’ll likely see frequently when searching for online casinos. With more than 400 casinos operating under licences from the state, this is a country offering stability, accessible licensing and a thorough application process for new operators.
Curaçao licensing remains popular with operators due to its inherent tax benefits. There’s no taxation to pay on revenue provided that it emanates from overseas. This is a benefit for casino owners everywhere looking to increase their reach around the world.
Beyond this, Curaçao gaming licences provide players (and operators) with a lot of confidence and safety assurance. The Curaçao eGaming Commission is responsible for a variety of big-name regulations, and while applying for licences through the country may be relatively swift, measures are still stringent.
What many players like about Curaçao licensing is the fact that sites adopting these licences need to pass various tests and measures to continue holding such a label. This means that there is zero chance that a casino operator will obtain Curaçao licensing until it can adequately prove that it has player interests and safety in mind.
Why is it important to compare different casino licenses?
While all casino licenses effectively do the same thing (they keep players safe and operators within legal remits), as mentioned, there are always differences between the licensing bodies you’ll come across.
For example, some may feel that Curaçao is the most freeing due to its tax system and application process. However, other casino operators may prefer Maltese gaming licences for their universal stamp of approval and stringent regulations.
Ultimately, it’s all about making sure that you register for a licence that proves that you are ‘above board’ beyond all reasonable doubt. To encourage players to keep visiting a casino, operators need to do more than just produce games and offer bonuses.
The discerning casino player is looking for a site that’s fully regulated with a body that’s universally recognised for fairness and quality. For example, many casino operators look for licence providers simply based on what the ‘bigger fish’ in the industry choose!
Crucially, it’s important to always lead with a casino licence, regardless of where it may be based. Casino licensing opens up many different opportunities, provides players with reassurance, and keeps gaming within the boundaries of international laws and standards.
Disclaimer: Gambling involves an element of financial risk and may be addictive. Please play responsibly and at your own risk. This post contains material that may or may not be legal in your country. Please play subject to applicable law.