India stands below average in Cybersecurity: National Privacy Test

Only Turkey in Japan featured below India in the study which surveyed 48,063 respondents from 192 countries on their digital habits privacy awareness and digital risk tolerance.

Scoring with just 51.2 points out of 100, India has ranked 19th out of 21 countries in the National Privacy Test conducted recently by global VPN service provider namely NordVPNIndia scored 14 points below global average.

Only Turkey in Japan featured below India in the study which surveyed 48,063 respondents from 192 countries on their digital habits privacy awareness and digital risk tolerance.


“51.8% of respondents said they would buy a Netflix or Spotify account if they found it offered on eBay at a lower price than the official one compared to only 11% who would do such a thing, such accounts are typically stolen accounts,” the study mentions.

“All of the countries pay little attention to the terms of services in apps and services they use. Black India is worst among them regarding this issue there is search finds as a result Indians scored just 37% in the section that evaluated digital habits Indian citizens should also reconsider their digital habits while many global corporations outsource tech-related  roles to India the countries overall score is 14 points below the average,” the study says.

When it comes to theoretical knowledge of cybersecurity Indians scored 57.6 percent. Indians respondents particularly scored strong in knowing how to set strong passwords at 78% score but the countries flags in social media use the study nodes and Indians scored low 36% on awareness of information that should not be shared on social media platforms.