Manu Bhaker has witnessed a soar in her popularity as she is arguably the face of India’s shooting contingent for a few years. Bhaker already has two medals in her account, having clinched bronze twice – in 10m air pistol individual and mixed team events – and is on the verge on bagging a third medal in 25m air pistol event. As per the reports, since winning multiple medals at Paris Olympics 2024, the pistol shooter has been approached by several brands for endorsements. While the athlete’s focus is still on the game, her agency has sealed a couple of deals for her.
Manu used to charge a fee of Rs. 20 t0 25 lakh for each endorsement, however, it has now been reportedly changed and gone up by 6 to 7 time. As per NDTV Sports, one of the deal finalized for Manu has been closed at Rs. 1.5 crore.
“We have got about 40-odd inquiries in just the last 2-3 days. We are focusing right now on the long term association deals, and we have closed a couple of endorsements,” said Neerav Tomar, CEO and MD of IOS Sports and Entertainment, the company that manages Manu, as per Times Of India.