A five-year-old boy named, Arindam Gaur, who recently registered a world record of ‘fastest hundred boxing punches’, wishes luck to six-time world champion boxer Mary Kom ahead of the Tokyo Olympics 2020. He performed a hundred punches in just 13 seconds and seven deciseconds (13s: 07ds) on May 30 to register the record.
Five-year-old informed ANI, “I love boxing very much and want to become a big boxer. I train for three hours a day, morning and evening sessions. I study in class one and my favourite boxer is Vijender Singh and Mary Kom. I want to give my best wishes to Mary Kom ma’am for the Olympics.”
His father Arun Gaur added to ANI, “I brought a punching bag for Arindam on his fifth birthday as many times he had asked me to get a punching bag. I don’t know from where he came to know about it he kept asking me for a bag and slowly started practising on his own. One day I saw a story in the newspaper and told him that see this kid has a marked world record. He said papa I will also make a world record in boxing.”
He had ignored his comments but decided to train him in the academy when he saw that his child was serious regarding boxing. Arun concluded to ANI, “We approached Golden Book of World Records they told me the process and we followed and we sent his video to them. Later, they sent that record has been accepted.”
As per Arun statements, the child comments were ignored, but still, he believed that Arindam can do as he is saying in confidence. After keeping the faith, Arindam didn’t let his father’s belief down by registering the world record of fastest punches. Such young talents inspire and grab the heart of the nation. It also proves that India has many hidden young talents.