Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) recently posted a video on their Twitter handle in which Axar Patel can be seen bowling to Virat Kohli in the nets. The Indian all-rounder and one of the talented spinner Axar Patel was not part of the first Test because of his fitness.
Axar Patel will be replacing Shahbaz Nadeem in the second Test against England in Chennai. India lost their first match against the visitors by 227-runs. The no-balls from the spinners were also one of the highlighted points of the match.
Patel seems fit in the video, he also did batting practice which makes it almost clear that he will be playing the match for India that is scheduled to start from 13 February. Shahbaz Nadeem however did a good on in the first match but because of not having the batting depth India lost the match against the visitors.
BCCI posted the video and also tweeted “Look, who is back in the nets! @akshar2026 is here and raring to go!”
Look, who is back in the nets! @akshar2026 is here and raring to go! @Paytm #TeamIndia #INDvENG
— BCCI (@BCCI) February 11, 2021