The nature of stress is such that it not only exists before the exam but also after the exam too, especially if the exam did not go well. Post exam stress can demotivate the student and further, create a chain reaction of giving bad exams too if not handled carefully. The physical symptoms of post-exam stress might look like breathing problems, headache, indigestion, fatigue and chest tightness; it is, of course, not limited to these physical symptoms. On the other hand, emotional symptoms of post result stress might look like moodiness, irritability, inability to relax, loneliness, depression, nightmares and lack of concentration. To prevent such heavy symptoms, it is important to handle post-exam stress, especially during school and college days when one is too serious about their academic life. Here are a few tips to handle post-exam stress during student life.
1. Let go of the restrictive thinking
Often after giving an exam, especially a bad exam, one often engages in retrospective thoughts where they wonder how they could have done the exam well by preparing for it in a better way and other things. This can create a feeling of overwhelming guilt along with guilt. There is no point in beating oneself over it. If you can reappear in the exam, you can consider how you can learn from your past mistakes and if not, let it go and use the lessons that you have learned in future preparation.
2. Know that exam is not the end goal
The exam is just a stepping stone that is supposed to help you in achieving your target or goal. It is not the ultimate goal. For instance, many people prepare for the Sarkari Exam in order to secure a stable job and job security. Many who have appeared in the exam, also face disappointments after checking the Sarkari Result. However, one needs to identify that students appear for such exams to secure a stable job but there are many other ways to ensure that one lands on a stable job. Government jobs are just one of the many ways available. Identify the end goal and then, find the alternative to reach the end goal.
3. Stay calm
You must have worked extremely hard to prepare for the exam and once you are done with the exam, do not trouble yourself with the post-exam stress because it will be futile for sure. Irrespective of the fact how you have done in your exam, take a break and engage in your hobby and some sort of physical activities to keep your calm. Such welcoming changes are important for ensuring good mental health.
4. Go out with your friends and sibling
Avoid staying alone after an exam as it can push you towards overthinking. Instead, go out with your friends and siblings to enjoy the time with them and this also works like quite a good distraction. When you are out with your friends and siblings, try to live in the present, instead of bringing the past into the present by discussing the exam.
5. Stay around positive people
After giving an exam, you do not want to be surrounded by people who trigger you about discussing the exam, the performance of other students and what is your plan. Instead, surround yourself with positive people to ensure that they keep you positive too. If you interact more with negative people, chances are you will start feeling bad and you do not want to be in that phase. Keep a positive mindset and stay with positive people.
Failing and rejection or bad performance is a part and parcel of life and it is totally normal. Avoid giving it a special status by thinking that your career or life is ruined. Instead, learn of it, treat it normally and have a growth mindset surrounding it. This is especially important because a lot of your future will depend upon the attitude that you develop towards such hurdles.
Also, once you have handled the post-exam stress, start working on Plan B and figure out what are the best options that you have to mend the situation and take back the control in your hand instead of going on the flow. After creating a plan B, start working on it without committing past mistakes again.