New Delhi, Dec 17 (UNI) Admissions to the University of Delhi will not be on the basis of the existing ‘cut off’ system but on the basis of entrance exams for next year onwards.
The University’s Executive Committee (EC) – a statutory decision-making body that helps in implementation of policies, approved the decision of conducting entrance exam-based admissions on Friday.
In the month of November, a nine-member panel was set up by the central university to suggest an alternative strategy for admissions into the undergraduate courses.
The panel had proposed three options, 1) admission on the basis of entrance tests from next year, 2) giving 50 per cent weightage to Class 12 exams and 50 per cent weightage to entrance exams, 3) carrying on the existing practice, i.e the cut-off system. The EC has approved the option of conducting entrance exams.
Whether university will formulate its own entrance exams or adopt the central government’s Central University Common Entrance Test (CUCET), is yet to be decided.