One of the primary things to do whenever you purchase a car is to get an insurance policy. It ensures the vehicle and its owner are financially secure in case of any damage or accidents. Whether it is about replacing a part of your vehicle or a third-party damage scenario, your motor insurance policy will always have your back.
Therefore, while purchasing an insurance plan, vehicle owners must aim for a provider with a smooth and hassle-free claim settlement process. It is essential to file a claim for the financial assistance you require during emergencies.
Read this blog till the end to find out the process of claiming your bike and four-wheeler insurance plan.
How Many Types of Insurance Claims You Can Opt for Your Vehicle?
You must remember that there are primarily two types that you can opt for, in case of any emergency related to your vehicle. You can file either of the given types of claims based on your convenience. These include the following:
- Cashless Claims
Under this type of claim, you can get your vehicle repaired from any of the garages enlisted in your insurance provider’s network. Herein, the expenses will directly be settled down by the insurance company with the network garage. Thus, you can access the service you require through a cashless process.
- Reimbursement Claims
Under this type of claim system, you need to bear the expense to get the vehicle-related services you require. The amount you spent will be then reimbursed to your account as per the applicable terms and conditions of your insurance check bike policy.
How to File a Claim for Your Bike or Four-Wheeler Insurance?
Even though the process to claim your vehicle insurance coverage may differ among insurance companies, the following is a general one which you can refer to while claiming your coverage:
Step 1: Immediate Action
Whenever you come across any damage or accidents, your first priority should be to prevent further damage. Move your vehicle to a safe place to initiate your claim settlement process.
Step 2: Notify the Insurance Provider
You must immediately inform your vehicle insurance provider about the scene. For this, email them or call them on their customer helpline number and notify them about the incident, clearly mentioning the time, place, damage etc caused.
Step 3: Lodge a FIR
In case of vandalism or related incidents, you need to lodge an FIR at the nearest police station. It creates a legal framework for a successful claim settlement process.
Step 4: Document the Scenario
You need to document the scene by capturing real-time photos of your vehicle. These photos will be invaluable proof for your insurance provider during claim assessment.
Step 5: Accumulate the Documents
Make sure to have the soft copies of the required set of documents that you need to submit to process the claim.
Step 6: Vehicle Inspection
Impartial assessment is a crucial step from the insurer’s side. The company may ask you to send real-time photos or send a surveyor to inspect the case.
Step 7: Repairs Authorisation
You shall receive an authorisation letter, through which you can visit any of the network garages of your provider to access the service you require.
Step 8: Repair Process
Commence the necessary repairs and collect the pay slips or receipts mentioning the services you have received and the expenses you need to bear.
Step 9: Claim Settlement
After assessing all the evidence and checking the bills, your insurance provider shall either reimburse the amount you spent to your account, or will directly settle that with their network garage.
What are the Required Documents to File an Insurance Claim for Your Vehicle?
To ensure a smooth and successful claim settlement process for your two or four wheeler insurance, you need to keep a few crucial documents handy. The following points feature the same:
- A duly filled claim form, which you can obtain from the official website of your insurance provider or by connecting with their customer service team.
- Your vehicle insurance documents, mentioning the details of your plan’s coverage.
- A copy of your valid driving licence.
- The Registration Certificate (RC) of your vehicle.
- The receipt or payment slips from the repairing garage mentioning the expenses you have spent.
- A copy of FIR, if applicable.
Final Words
To sum it up, for a vehicle owner there is nothing more unfortunate than accidents or damage. Such circumstances are unexpected and can land you into a sudden financial burden. Thus, you should get yourself a vehicle insurance policy with solid coverage that can prevent you from facing financial loss. Nevertheless, all such essentials financially come down to the claiming process, which should be simple and straightforward. Thus, whenever you purchase a vehicle insurance policy, make sure to check the claim settlement ratio and the process of the insurance company.