Time to increase private participation in agriculture: PM Modi

While talking about the Budget 2021-22’s allocation towards the agricultural sector in an online webinar today, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that for years the public sector has worked for the Research & Development of agriculture in India but it was now time that the private participation in agriculture is increased.

As per reports by ANI, PM Modi mentioned that “India of 21st century needs post-harvest or food processing revolution and value addition amid increasing agriculture production,” and that “it would have been good for the country had this been done 2-3 decades back.”


He said that steps will be taken now to increase the focus on the processing of raw food products including food, vegetable, fruit, and fisheries by working towards the development of better storage facilities and modern processing plants. The Prime Minister also mentioned the Kisan Rail which has provided the country with a strong cold storage network.

These steps, according to the Prime Minister, need to be taken in order to increase India’s agricultural share in the international market by expanding its processed food business. This, he has said, will provide the farmers with more options to sell theirs produces in the market.

He also said that since these sectors have been lagging behind, the Government will be giving its priority to the animal husbandry, dairying and fisheries sectors.