On Friday, March 26, BJP President JP Nadda held a roadshow in Chennai, in support of their candidate Vinoj P Selvam from Harbour constituency. During the roadshow, Nadda spoke to news agency ANI, “Certainly, BJP is making inroads in Tamil Nadu. The enthusiasm of the crowd speaks that the work done by Narendra Modi Ji in the last 6 years has been appreciated.”
The BJP chief also slammed DMK and said that DMK only runs for power and money. Nadda further added, “D stands for Dynasty, M stands for Money and K stands for Katta Panchayat, this is DMK,” as quoted by ANI.
D stands for Dynasty, M stands for Money and K stands for Katta Panchayat, this is DMK: BJP national president JP Nadda in Chennai
— ANI (@ANI) March 26, 2021
Earlier today, BJP chief JP Nadda addressed a public rally in Tamil Nadu to sought some votes for BJP candidates in the upcoming legislative assembly elections, which are scheduled to be held on April 6, 2021 in a single phase. The results for the same will be released on May 2, 2021.
During the roadshow, AIADMK leader D Jayakumar was along with the BJP chief. Nadda also appreciated AIADMK by saying that the party has always worked for regional aspirations with a nationalist approach.
Election Polls will be held for 234 seats in Tamil Nadu with the Congress-DMK and BJP-AIADMK alliance being the major groups contesting against each other.