Petrol prices hit Rs. 107/litre, diesel prices drop

It is essential to note that the prices of petrol have hiked up 7 times in the past 12 days. The prices of petrol have increased up to Rs. 2.38 and that of diesel by 57 paise.

Fuel prices witness a change again. While on one hand, petrol prices have increased, a breath of relief can be seen for diesel users as prices of diesel are beginning to drop. Petrol prices have hiked overnight by 25 to 34 paise. On the other hand, diesel prices have decreased by 16 to 18 paise.

In major metro cities, the prices of petrol had recently crossed the Rs. 100 bar. However, now, in cities such as Chennai, Delhi and Kolkata, petrol prices are nearing Rs. 102 per litre. In Banglore and Mumbai, the prices have increased to Rs. 105 per litre and Rs. 108 per litre.


It is essential to note that the prices of petrol have hiked up 7 times in the past 12 days. The prices of petrol have increased up to Rs. 2.38 and that of diesel by 57 paise.

Currently, the retail price of petrol in Mumbai is Rs. 107.20, which is a hike of 27 paise. In Delhi, the price is Rs. 101.19, which is an increase of 28 paise. In Chennai and Kolkata, a rise of 25 paise and 34 paise respectively has been witnessed. The city of Banglore has also seen an increase of 29 paise in the price of petrol, bringing it to Rs. 104.58 per litre.

As a matter of relief, the price of diesel has dropped after two months and has gone below Rs. 100 per litre in many cities. In Mumbai, the price of diesel has gone down by 17 paise and is currently at Rs. 97.29 per litre. Good for Delhiites, the price of diesel has dropped by 16 paise and is at Rs. 89.72 per litre. In Chennai, the price of diesel is Rs. 94.24, which is a drop of 15 paise. Kolkata and Banglore saw a decrease in the price of diesel by 16 paise and 17 paise respectively.

This fluctuation in fuel prices can be connected to the Dollar-Rupee exchange rate, the international crude oil prices and state-wise tax. An effective way to know the price of fuel in a state is to take a look at the taxation imposed by states and the Central government on fuel prices.