Happy Independence Day: 10 Interesting facts about Indian Independence

India became independent from the British rule after a long struggle, on 15th August,1947. We have crossed 73 years, still there are many things we don’t know about Indian Independence. Here are 10 such interesting facts about Independence

Let us see what are the 10 interesting facts about Indian independence.



1) The Indian Independence Act came into force on 18th July,1947 but Lord Mountbatten chose the date 15th August as Indian Independence day as he considered this day lucky. On 15th August,1945 Japan surrendered to the allied forced.

2) Mahatma Gandhi did not take part in the Indian Independence day celebration. He was on hunger strike in Kolkata to protest at the Hindu-Muslim riot that took place following partition.

3) The Indian flag was designed by freedom fighter Pingali Venkayya in 1921. He died in poverty in 1963.

4) The Karnataka Khadi Gramodyoga Samyukta Sangha (KKGSS) is the only authorized unit in India to manufacture and supply the Indian flag.

5) Jana Gana Mana was selected as Indian national anthem in 1950. Rabindranath Tagore wrote it in 1911 to welcome King George V in India.

6) Goa was not a part of Independent India till 1961. It used to be a Portuguese state.

7) India never invaded any country in its 100000 years of history.

8) The first prime minister of India, Jawaharlal Neheru, was considered a fashion icon among politicians. Times magazine placed Neheru jacket in “top 10 global fashion statements” list.

9) Jagjivan Ram was the only minister who did not take oath on Independence day as he was in hospital. He was the youngest minister of Neheru’s cabinet.

10) India shares its Independence day with 3 other countries : South Korea, Republic of Congo and Liechtenstein.