Welfare department stopped child marriage in UP’s Shamli, Muzzaffarnagar

The team reached Balhedi village on Saturday after receiving information about the function, the helpline’s in-charge Punam Sharma said.

A team from the Welfare Department’s Child Helpline had stopped a child marriage in Uttar Pradesh’s Shamli district on Sunday

It was Saturday when the team reached Balhedi village, as they received information about the ceremony, as per Punam Sharma, the helpline’s in-charge.


Both the boy and the girl were discovered to be minors during an investigation.

She stated that, now the case has been turned up to the police.

According to the Helpline’s Incharge, the team arrived in the village just before the wedding reception was about to end.

According to the United Nations, 1.5 million teenage girls marry in India each year, and 12 million underage girls marry worldwide. Child marriage is defined as “both legal marriages and informal unions in which a girl or boy lives with a partner as if married before the age of 18.” The figure is derived from household surveys.

As reported by TOI, Uttar Pradesh reported 354 cases of child marriage amid the pandemic. Most of them were teenager girls who were being married off by their families. Maximum number of cases were reported western part of the state.

Anybody who comes to know about the child marriage can complain in writing or through phone call without disclosing their identity to the following officers.