Not Styling, THIS is the real reason for NO-SHAVE-NOVEMBER

No-shave-November aims to spread awareness by embracing men’s facial hair which many cancer patients lose. Here is a list of organizations where one can donate. Some tips are mentioned to keep your beard maintained during No-shave-November.

Aim of No-shave-November: To spread awareness by embracing men’s facial hair which many cancer patients lose. Men let their beards grow throughout the month. It is generally related to creating awareness regarding cancer.

Rules: Don’t use your razor for a month, donate your expenses related to shaving to this cause. You can participate by growing a beard, managing a mustache and canceling waxing appointments.


Where can you donate?
Cancer Research Institute, Ovarian Cancer Research Fund Alliance, Pancreatic Cancer Action Network and An Animal Welfare NGO

How to keep your beard maintained during No-shave-November?
1. Regular grooming

Regular combing and oiling of the beard will keep it set and smooth. You can use a mild shampoo to keep the beard smooth.

2. Apply beard cream

You can apply beard cream and give shape to it. Avoid beard balms that have petroleum jelly in it.

3. Use blow-dryer

Use a blow dryer on medium heat to give shape to the beard. Put the blow dryer at a distance to avoid the damage caused by heat.

4. Healthy diet

You need to plan a healthy diet for the proper nourishment of your beard. Proper intake of proteins and vitamins is important.