5 stunning ancient underwater cities around the World

Civilizations have always been drawn to places near bodies of water, but what happens when those waters reclaim the land? Many cities all over the globe have been completely drowned in water over the years due to natural disasters, sea level rise, or deliberate flooding for dam projects. These drowned cities are powerful reminders of the massive power of nature.

Here are 5 stunning ancient underwater cities around the World


Atlit-Yam, Israel

The Atlit-Yam site, off the coast of northern Israel, dates back around 7,500–8,000 years and an amazing number of materials beneath water have been uncovered itself. 10-acre land contains human tombs, animal bones implements, flint, hearths and house foundations.

Heracleion, Egypt

The Heracleion, said to have been underwater since the eighth century, has a fascinating history. Heracleion, also called Thonis depending on whether you use the Greek or Egyptian name, is said to have been an important harbour that welcomed ships as they reached the Nile’s delta. It is also said to be the place where Herakles (or Hercules) first set foot on Egyptian soil.

Baiae, Italy

This is a completely fledged city. Baiae was believed to have been visited by the Romans for parties and getaways. Pools and palaces were built by emperors. You can still travel to Baiae, but you have to go far out into the ocean to experience their spa. The city is believed to have been in existence for 2000 years.

Port Royal, Jamaica

One of the richest cities in the Caribbean and a well-known pirate haven during the 17th century was Port Royal. However, a terrible earthquake in 1692 caused a large portion of the city to fall into the sea. Even now, divers love Port Royal because they can explore the underwater remains of its once-vibrant streets.

Dwarka, India

Dwarka, steeped in Hindu mythology, is said to be the city that Lord Krishna once lived in and was described in old books like the Mahabharata. Dwarka, believed to have sunk thousands of years ago, has fascinated archaeologists and historians for decades.