KEC International, a major player in the transmission towers industry, reached an all-time high of Rs 988.00 in stock price on September 5th, 2024. The share jumped significantly on the National Stock Exchange (NSE) reaching Rs 984.85 at 11:33 AM, up 5.66%.
The shares opened at ₹933.00. The stock hit a day high of ₹988.00 and a low of ₹932.15. KEC International’s 52-week high is ₹988.00, while the 52-week low is ₹932.15. The company’s stock has returned 45.63% over the last year, surpassing the Sensex’s performance of 25.04%.
While the exact reason for today’s movement is unknown, the significant price increase indicates positive investor sentiment or potentially market-moving news regarding the firm.