Retirement 555 formula: Building wealth for a secure future

Bill Gates once remarked, “If you are born poor, it is not your fault. However, it is entirely your fault if you die poor.” This sentiment underscores the importance of proactive retirement planning, a key element in achieving financial independence. Let’s delve into the retirement 555 formula, a strategy that, when applied diligently, can pave the way for a comfortable and secure retirement.

The essence of Retirement 555 lies in meticulous retirement planning from an early age. As Microsoft founder Bill Gates emphasizes, planning well in advance can lead to self-sufficiency and financial independence during retirement. The rule is simple: the earlier you commence your retirement planning, the better.


At the core of the Retirement 555 formula is the 555 rule, advocating for disciplined and systematic investment. If you start investing a modest sum of Rs 5,000 a month at the age of 25, maintaining a 12 percent compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) and increasing your annual SIP contribution by 5 percent, you could potentially amass a corpus of Rs 2.64 crore by the age of 55.

Breaking down the formula, the first 5 represents the initial investment of Rs 5,000 per month. The second 5 signifies a 5 percent annual increase in your SIP, ensuring your contributions align with your growing income. The final 5 relates to the remarkable 12 percent CAGR return, which forms the backbone of your wealth accumulation.

For those aiming to retire earlier at 50, adjustments to the formula are possible. Options include enhancing the monthly SIP, increasing the annual accretion, or taking on higher investment risk for potentially greater returns.

  • Scenario 1: Higher Returns: Achieving the same corpus at 50 requires a significantly higher CAGR return, making this option less practical.
  • Scenario 2: Increased SIP: Doubling the starting SIP to Rs 9,700 per month, while maintaining a 5 percent annual increase, is a more feasible strategy.

The linchpin of Retirement 555 is time. Starting early, even with a modest SIP, can result in substantial wealth creation. For instance, initiating a Rs 10,000 SIP at 25 with a 5 percent annual increase can yield Rs 5.27 crore by age 55, showcasing the exponential growth that comes with a longer investment horizon.

Retirement 555 is not just a formula; it’s a blueprint for securing your financial future. By understanding its principles and committing to disciplined, long-term planning, individuals can navigate the journey towards a prosperous and stress-free retirement. The rule is clear: start early, stay consistent, and let time work its magic.