Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai show is making headlines, signalling a major development. According to recent reports, the show’s key actors Shehzada Dhami and Pratiksha Honmukhe have been dropped from the show. Their contract with Rajan Shahi’s Directors Kut Production House has been called off. The news was brought to light with an official statement by the makers.
Shehzada Dhami, who played the role of Armaan had been dropped for his unprofessionalism. The actor used to outburst on the sets, during the shoot. He behaved in a wrong sense with the staff. This is something Shehzada was finding difficult to cope with.
While Pratiksha has been terminated for her poor performance. The actress was a debutant and wouldn’t match the makers’ set expectations. Shehzada and Pratiksha haven’t commented on the recent news, they have stayed silent about it.
Recently, rumours have claimed that Rohit Purohit will be replacing Shehzada Dhami as Armaan. Rohit is quite a popular face on the silver screen. Having graced some famous shows such as Porus, Udaariyaan, Dil Toh Happy Hai Ji, and Dhadkan Zindagii Kii, this will be his first time working with Rajan Shahi.
In the latest update, Abhira won over the Poddar family and became an absolute favourite. She saved Dadisa from getting embarrassed in the court, while Abhira was fighting against her. The upcoming episodes will showcase who will eventually be roped in for Armaan and Ruhi’s roles.